Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hulk in Color Painted Last Time

Ok, I won't paint this guy anymore. I just wanted to see how it would look in painter with colors...

Six Million Dollar Man and Sasquatch In color

More playing around with painter. I realized that some sketches look completely different when color is finally applied.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Samus Aran - Metroid Painted

Ok, so I decided to try something different and switch to "Painter" which is basically a painting program that simulates actual painting. I decided to paint the Samus sketch over in painter to see how this looks.
Not bad for my first foray into the painter world. More to come.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Invention REinvention (A Part of JC Friday's)

This past week was the "Invention REinvention" mixed media art show in Jersey city.
The theme of the show as to create works of art from items that you find in your house, and then to make new works. I had an entry (which is a 3 piece series) called "Morning, Noon and Night" which were junk mail collages that I made by cutting out and scanning pieces into Photoshop and then manipulating them to give the sense of depth.  It was my first art show and I was pretty excited to be in it. I even sold one of the pieces! Below are the images that I created for the show.



Monday, March 1, 2010

Jamie Marshall (Enjoy!)


Six Million Dollar Man and Sasquatch

Make me ovr EB Interview

I was recently interviewed on a pod cast called "Make Me Over EB" on Blog Talk Radio.
the pod cast was about fashion and art and I also got the chance to plug my art show in Jersey City this coming Friday.

You can listen to the pod cast here:

To listen to the pod cast click on the link at the top right of the page where it "blog talk radio" Makeover Monday!

To learn about the JC Friday events coming up this week click here: