Thursday, December 23, 2010

L.I.T.M. Group Show Submission

This is my entry for the L.I.T.M. group show. It's called "Embankment Oil Refinery". The idea here is that the proposed gas pipeline that will run through the Jersey City area, is pretty much a threat to the area that should not be allowed to happen. My hope is that the imagery speaks to the theme of the show and the environmental risks that this pipeline would pose to the area.
Thanks so much for the opportunity to submit!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Blanka Vs. Part II

Last week I did a post about completing and getting the lines that you wanted in Sketchbook Pro (see previous post). So this week I decided to finish up that sketch and turn it into a finished piece. Just to see what it would look like.

1) Completed sketch in blue... 

2) Here is the completed sketch. I brought the image into Painter (which I am still trying to make my way around it.) Here I colorized the image to turn the blue lines to black. This keeps the tone of the original drawing (I love this feature)  
3) Here I added the values to the drawing. I used a different brush this time to give the values a more animation like feel. I like the way that it came out. I think I am gonna keep using it for now.

4) I am not the best fact I don't know how to handle color at all...but I just tried to go with the basic rule of having things stand out from one another. I might actually take a color class to help with applying color techniques.

5) Here I am adding more layers to the picture and starting to paint over the lines. I wasn't sure if the picture looked better with painting over the lines, or if it was better to keep some of the under drawing exposed. I thought about doing a combination, but this is something that I will have to practice with in the future.
6) More painting on layers here....add some details and trying to give the muscles and the overall tone a smoother feel.
7) Adding some flame and lighting effects using some of the brushes available in Painter.

8) Here is the final! Woo hoo! Go Blanka!!!!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

How to get the lines you want in Sketchbook Pro

For some tine now I have been trying to decide which is better, going traditional or going digital. Is it better to draw the old fashioned way and then scan and go from there, or to start digitally and keep it consistant. Much like my last post the result is up to personal preference. However in trying to  
find a way to get the drawings to look their best I actually found something that worked well for me.

Draw what you want:
1) Start with a heavily detailed sketch. Put in your planning lines, lines for perspective set up your foreground and basic shapes. Basically draw what you want, and add as much detail as you like.

2: Duplicate the layer: (Below)
When you are done and have added as much as you wanted.
In the layer window panel select "duplicate layer". This creates a copy of the layer you were just working from.

3: Reduce the opacity:
Then go to the first layer and reduce the layer that you made the copy from to about 20%. This allows you to see the layer that you are working from and use that as a guide, but still be able to work on the new layer and refine your details.

4: Continue working and adding more details as you like. On the top layer erase any sketch lines and guidelines that you don't want in your final drawing.

5. When done hide the layer underneath, and voila!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Pencils vs. Pixels

With the technology available today we rely on computers more and more to get the point across.
For some time now I have been bouncing back and forth on wether to go the digital route or to stay traditional, or to go both ways. This week I did a test of an idea to see which outcome looks the best.

The remake of True Grit (an old John Wayne film) is due out in a few weeks, and I thought that I would use my version of the movie poster to try and test which looks best. In doing two versions I found that there are obviously some things that are easier doing it digitally. Making edits, comes a lot easier doing the work digitally..obviously as well as working off of layers and making changes on the fly.

The one benefit to working traditionally though is the actual quality of the line is better.
I find that in working digitally) off of a Wacom tablet, that I don't have as much control and the tactile feel of the tablet makes getting a feel for the drawing a lot tougher.

Obviously it's a personal choice, and one needs to pick the method that works the best.
(Below: First version done in pen and ink)
(Below: Second version done digitally) 

(Below: Original Movie Poster)

Of course the tool is only the means..but what you do with each technique is what will determine the final outcome.