Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Do you want to be popular on social media or do you want to be great at what you do?

Being an influencer and social-media-famous is one thing, but how does it apply to honing your craft and improving your skill/being to being a great artist? I have been thinking a lot about the difference between the two. For me focus should be on working hard to improve my creative ability. With social media platforms it’s easy to get addicted to the stimuli. Instead of people appreciating the work for it’s merit online, it slowly has become a popularity contest/business marketing tool. However, what value does this have for purely growing your skills?  

Even I am subject to it. For myself I had to actually stop posting work so much, and took a month off from social media. I do believe in showing my work. However, there is a difference between showing work to inspire, and sharing your work to become popular. Incidentally, I am not talking about people who post and share work for business. What I am talking about is the seductive nature, much like selfie addicts, constant pictures of food, etc. etc. I get it. It’s just not a good use of my time for me* to do all that.

I am more interested in becoming a better artist (a great artist in fact). For me the most important part is consistency, which is something I have been working at for years. This is going to be accomplished by doing more work, and learning through trial end error, etc. Not doing work for popularity, but by stretching myself. I have stopped painting work based on popular themes, such as robots and monsters and such. I have actually started choosing to paint more regular objects and personal themes. 

By making the ordinary stand out, it goes a long way towards being extraordinary. 

All this is to say, for me, I am going to do work for the purposes of expressing my voice and sharing how I "see" the world. I do it for me and hope that it speaks to you. For your own work, If people identify with what you are sharing then that’s great you might make a few real friends along the way as opposed to fake ones.

Instagram: Moebocop

Vero: Moebocop

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