Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Quick figure drawing practice (Line of Action.com)

There you will see one the the best practice drawing sites I have ever come across to date.

From the site’s description: “gesture drawings help artists to place emphasis on movement, action, and direction, which can be overlooked during a long drawing.” Line of Action generally refers to the main curve of a figure’s stance during a gesture drawing. 

To practice and understand this, this site has a wealth of drawing and sketching resources that are so useful.

First you will notice the site is broken down into different categories:
Figure Drawing, Animal Drawing, Hands and Feet Drawing and Faces and Expression Drawing.
Clicking on on of these tiles will take you to a timer selection option that will let you choose from the following:

Ex: (Choose  Animal)
Then you can pick from a category: (All animals, Cats, dogs, etc.)

Length: Do you want long form or short interval drawing?
Time Interval: [How long do you want each drawing to stay on screen]

Once you click “Get Drawing” you are served a number of images at the intervals that you selected (30 seconds per drawing, 20 seconds per drawing, etc.). You will then be able to draw from each interval until time image changes.
Neat, right?

There are also reference images (something that I totally need to use more of) of humans, animals, hands, faces, feet etc. Additionally, there are tutorial sections for “How to construct” the drawing to start getting action underway.

-There are also blog entries under the lessons and tips sections here: https://line-of-action.com/lessons-tips/

-There are links to affiliated drawing resources and tools in case you want to head over to Amazon to purchase more guide books on anatomy. 

Lastly, there is a forum that you can use to follow conversations and find more tips and resources on drawing. This is truly a great resource. I hope you use the site for yourselves and that you find it as useful as I do.

Instagram: Moebocop
Vero: Moebocop

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